Our living God Pt 17: Perfect love
Perfect love drives out fear.

Our living God Pt 16: Oppression
Never let Satan silence your praise!

Our living God Pt 15: A new covenant
I am their God; they are my people.

Our living God Pt 14: God is my helper
God is where my help comes from.

Our living God Pt 13: The love of money
The love of money is the problem.

Our living God Pt 12: We are his pasture
God always provides and protects.

Our living God Pt 11: Put on the new self
God, liberate us from our own selves.

Our living God Pt 10: Our great reward
God is our shield and reward.

Our living God Pt 9: Christ lives in me
Jesus gives transformative life.

Our living God Pt 8: Spiritual gifts
Every believer has a gift from God.

Our living God Pt 7: The call to love
Loving and affirming is the best way.

Our living God, Pt 6: No One is Righteous
In our heart we know we are not good.

Our living God, Pt 5: Children of God
We are all one in Christ.

Our living God, Pt 4: Law and promise
No load is too heavy for Him.

Our living God, Pt 3: Avoid foolishness
Be aware of false doctrine.

Our living God, Pt 2: A contrite heart
Embrace God; not the world.